CHAN Wing Lam Lydia 陳 詠藍
Born in Hong Kong
Currently lives and works in Hong Kong
Bachelor of Arts, Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University
Advanced Jewelry Making and Production, Pro Act, Vocational Training Council
Chan Wing Lam Lydia (b.1997) completed her Bachelor of Arts (Honors) in Visual Arts at Hong Kong Baptist University in 2020. Metalsmithing and contemporary wearables are the primary medium in her creative practice. She seeks inspiration from everyday objects, exploring the relationship between humans and the surroundings that mold their life experiences. Instead of large-scale sculptures, she transforms life-sized objects into silver miniatures, piecing together "new realities".
Solo Exhibitions
2023 Terminal III, Mooroom, HK
Group Exhibitions
2023 I Will Sick Leave Tomorrow, WURE AREA, HK
2022 Gather at Fenwick, Hong Kong Fenwick Pier, HK
2021 'Drawing Exhibition', AVA, Hong Kong Baptist University
2021 AVA for all, AVA, Hong Kong Baptist University, HK
2021 BOOKED, Tai Kwun Contemporary, HK
2020 Academy of Visual Arts Graduation Show, AVA, HK
2020 Pearl and Beyond II, CVA, Hong Kong Baptist University, HK
2020 BOOKED, Tai Kwun Contemporary, HK
2016 Artisan@Y Loft, Y-Loft, Youth Square, HK
2016 Affordable Art Fair 2016, HK
Other Participation
2021 M+ Shop Reconstruction Collection, WKCDA, Hong Kong
2021 Uras Collection, Obellery Contemporary Jewelry Studio, PMQ